In response to the devastating earthquake in Haiti in January 2010 and the resulting acute need for crutches due to thousands of crushed limbs and amputations, Crutches 4 Kids quickly mobilized to send approximately 1000 pairs of crutches and a few other assistive devices to Haiti. Crutches 4 Kids collected these crutches through school drives in Chappaqua, NY, and Stamford and Westport, CT, and by partnering with the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) and the East Coast Orthotic and Prosthetic Corporation.
Crutches 4 Kids delivered the crutches to Haiti by partnering with the AFYA Foundation and United Aid Foundation (UAF). The crutches were used by emergency medical teams working for Partners in Health and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative in the Love A Child field hospital. Many of the children at the Love A Child orphanage benefited from the crutch donation, allowing them to more easily play with their friends and recover from their traumas.
We would like to thank all the volunteers and partners who worked tirelessly to make this happen!
Crutches 4 Kids delivered the crutches to Haiti by partnering with the AFYA Foundation and United Aid Foundation (UAF). The crutches were used by emergency medical teams working for Partners in Health and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative in the Love A Child field hospital. Many of the children at the Love A Child orphanage benefited from the crutch donation, allowing them to more easily play with their friends and recover from their traumas.
We would like to thank all the volunteers and partners who worked tirelessly to make this happen!