We are excited to share another amazing example of how the crutches our volunteers are collecting are helping another vulnerable population - disabled and impoverished elderly patients.
Through our on-going partnership with AmeriCares, 19 pairs of crutches were shipped to the United Armenian Fund (UAF) in Armenia. One of the recipients of crutches was a 75-year-old man named Henrik who was from a poor remote mountainous village of Aygedor in northern Armenia. Several years ago while working on a farm to support his family, Henrik developed limb gangrene and doctors were forced to amputate his leg. No longer able to move about on his own, Henrik was stuck at home. He received a small pension and his wife was able to continue working on the farm, but their income was not enough to support their family. Additionally, Henrik’s health began to deteriorate further; he developed atherosclerosis and heart complications.
A pair of crutches donated for free at one of UAF's clinic made a significant difference in Henrik's life. They allowed him to move about without help, take care of himself, and work in his house and garden. The added benefits of his improved mobility not only gave Henrik more freedom, but also boosted his self-esteem and improved his cardiovascular health. Henrik is grateful to Crutches 4 Kids and AmeriCares for this donation that has changed his life.